Digital Violence Against Women


ARIJ published in-depth reports addressing digital violence against women in Egypt and in conflict-affected countries such as Yemen, Palestine, and Sudan. The female journalists behind these reports participated in specialized workshops that enhanced their expertise in tackling gender-based violence and digital safety challenges while refining their storytelling and documentation skills.


“The Victim's Hand is Tied”

The Victim's Hand is Tied In-depth report was published by Asma Helmi on December 19, 2024. The report highlights the struggles of underage girls in Egypt facing online blackmail. Legal restrictions requiring a guardian's presence to file complaints worsen their plight. It features cases like Naira Salah El-Zoghbi, who took her own life after blackmail, [...]

“Recruitment Algorithms That Don't See Women.”

Recruitment Algorithms That Don't See Women. In-depth report was published by Norhan Judeh on November 25, 2024. It examines the gender bias present in artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms used for screening résumés during the hiring process. The report highlights how these AI tools can disadvantage female applicants, reducing their chances of being selected for positions [...]

"Digital Violence: An Obstacle for Women in Expressing Their Personal Lives."

Digital Violence: An Obstacle for Women in Expressing Their Personal Lives. In-depth report was published by Alia Talaat on November 25, 2024. This in-depth report sheds light on how digital violence, including online harassment, blackmail, and threats, restricts women’s ability to freely share and express their personal experiences and identities online. It explores the societal [...]

“Evading Alimony: Intimate Photos as a Weapon in the Hands of Husbands."

Evading Alimony: Intimate Photos as a Weapon in the Hands of Husbands. In-depth report was published by Sahar Azzazi on November 25, 2024.  It sheds light on the distressing issue of some Egyptian husbands resorting to electronic blackmail against their wives, using intimate images to coerce them into relinquishing their legal rights during divorce proceedings. [...]

“For Men Only... Harassment and Death Threats Pursue Female Football Players in Sudan"

For Men Only... Harassment and Death Threats Pursue Female Football Players in Sudan In-depth report was published by Salma Abdel Aziz on November 17, 2024. The in-depth report sheds light on the challenges faced by women footballers in Sudan. It discusses the societal backlash, including harassment and threats, that these athletes encounter both online and [...]

“Technology in the Service of Women... Arab Platforms to Reduce the Increasing Digital Violence Against Women"?”

Technology in the Service of Women...  Arab Platforms to Reduce the Increasing Digital Violence Against Women"? In-depth report was published by Omnia Husni on November 12, 2024. The in-depth report highlights various initiatives and platforms across the Arab world that aim to combat digital violence against women. It discusses efforts in countries like Egypt, Jordan, [...]

“Gaming Companies: Do They Profit from Their Silence on Harassment of Female Gamers?”

Gaming Companies:  Do They Profit from Their Silence on Harassment of Female Gamers?” In-depth report was published by Omnia Qalaoun on November 7, 2024. The in-depth report sheds light on the issue of harassment faced by female gamers within online gaming communities. It explores whether gaming companies tacitly benefit from not acting against this harassment, [...]

“Ethnic Nationalism Threatens the Work of Female Journalists in Syria"

Ethnic Nationalism Threatens the Work of Female Journalists in Syria In-depth report was published by Avin Yousef on October 24, 2024. The in-depth report sheds light on Syrian female journalists who face defamation and threats due to their ethnic identities, particularly when covering sensitive political or social topics. It discusses specific cases, such as that [...]

“A Difficult Path: Behind the Scenes of Female Journalists in Sudan Exposed to Digital Violence"

A Difficult Path: Behind the Scenes of Female Journalists in Sudan Exposed to Digital Violence In-depth report was published by Malak Billah on October 24, 2024. The in-depth report sheds light on the pervasive digital violence faced by female journalists in Sudan. It delves into the unique online threats, harassment, and cyber-attacks these journalists encounter, [...]

“Underage Syrian Girls: Victims of 'Electronic Crimes."

Underage Syrian Girls: Victims of 'Electronic Crimes. In-depth report was published by Samah Ismandar on October 22, 2024. The in-depth report sheds light on the growing issue of online crimes targeting young Syrian girls. It details cases of identity theft, online harassment, and blackmail, exacerbated by their lack of digital protection knowledge and hesitance to [...]

“From Behind Their Screens: In Yemen, Perpetrators Choose Their Victims from Women with Disabilities."

From Behind Their Screens:  In Yemen, Perpetrators Choose Their Victims from Women with Disabilities. In-depth report was published by Eslah Salah on October 20, 2024. The in-depth report sheds light on the rising issue of online sexual extortion targeting women with disabilities in Yemen. It shares heartbreaking cases of victims who, due to their vulnerability, [...]

“Hugs of Salvation... How Family Support for Their Daughters Who Face Digital Blackmail Prevents Suicide”

Hugs of Salvation... How Family Support for Their Daughters Who Face Digital Blackmail Prevents Suicide In-depth report was published by Radwa Hosni on October 14, 2024. The in-depth report sheds light on the role of family support in preventing suicide among girls facing digital blackmail in Egypt. It highlights cases where girls, fearing societal judgment [...]

“No Internet’... Gaza’s Female Journalists Work Without Internet After Israel Cuts Communications.”

No Internet’...  Gaza’s Female Journalists Work Without Internet After Israel Cuts Communications. In-depth report was published by Maha Shahwan on October 7, 2024. The in-depth report sheds light on the challenges faced by female journalists in Gaza due to the complete internet and communication blackout caused by Israeli airstrikes. It details how journalists struggle to [...]

“Digital Terrorism: The Spread of Digital Violence Against Egyptian Activists”

Digital Terrorism The Spread of Digital Violence Against Egyptian Activists In-depth report was published by Yasmin Shabaneh on October 4, 2024. The in-depth report sheds light on the increasing digital violence faced by Egyptian female activists, particularly those working in feminist and human rights fields. It highlights cases of digital harassment, such as threats, cyberstalking, [...]

“The Realm of Digital Violence: How Women in Egypt Navigate Rejection and Online Retaliation”

The Realm of Digital Violence:  How Women in Egypt Navigate Rejection and Online Retaliation In-depth report was published by Tasneem Munir on September 28, 2024. The in-depth report sheds light on the digital violence faced by Egyptian women, encompassing online harassment, extortion, and reputational damage. It presents various cases illustrating how personal relationships can lead [...]

“Israel's Digital Isolation: Palestinian Women Cut Off from Their Families Worldwide”

Israel's Digital Isolation:  Palestinian Women Cut Off from Their Families Worldwide In-depth report was published by Amal Braikah on September 28, 2024. The in-depth report documents the experiences of Palestinian women impacted by Israel's disruption of internet and communication services during the 2023 war on Gaza. It highlights the emotional and psychological toll this isolation [...]

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